sábado, 5 de junio de 2010


el espectro de un sueño
de languidez, enmudecido
me derribó por sorpresa

hasta la Luna me dejó
en la noche sin ocaso.

2 comentarios:

Ezequiel Valiente Noailles dijo...

No estas sola

Como insiste la vida,

otra vez empezar,

otra vez otro día,

otra vez realidad.

Como insiste la vida,

con las cuentas que ajustar,

a verdades y a mentiras,

al amar y al desamar.

Como insiste la vida,

otra vez vuelve a apostar,

otra vez nos desafía,

a elegir el bién o el mal.

Como insiste la vida,

con un nuevo amanecer,

y la noche a su guarida,

una sombra debe ser.

Como insiste la vida,

obligándonos a ver,

algo nuevo que se olvida,

y lo que vos cas a hacer.

Ezequiel Valiente Noailles dijo...

Yes, let’s cry
Crying heals,
crying teaches,
crying lets you keep going,
but doesn’t fix.
Nothing is to be fixed,
everything is to be lived, enjoyed,
and told out loud
for the benefit
of the future.

Let’s identify
the best of today
and take it to
our tomorrow.

Crying heals,
forgiving fixes.

It’s scary
thinking that
some really bad things
could happen again,
and again.
Not the unknown,
the surprise,
the fantasy.

Have we ever lived in heaven?

That beautiful heaven,
home of temptation,
home of betrayal to God,
are we really sure
that it’s a good place?

Don’t forget
that as soon
as we were given
the first law
of the apple,
we went straight to brake it, because
it was the only
way out of there.

we don’t want heaven.
We want a hearth,
we want love,
we want to be loved,
we want to suffer,
we want to hurt,
we want mistakes,
we want the truth,
that’s human.

we don’t want
to love someone
who is perfect in our minds,
and when we open our eyes
is someone else.

Let’s love someone
made out of our illusions,
and let’s never ever
find out who really is.

Let’s love everything
and everybody,
just the way they are.

Let’s be humans.

It’s about time.

Let’s be.

Let it be.
